23 Şubat 2020 Pazar

5. The next webinars

The Next Webinars

  1. The second online meeting took place on November 13, 2019. We met online to discuss the details of the next part of the fruit project. We discussed the rules for creating fruit posters, an adadvertising slogans and the dates for posting them on the Twinspace. 
  1. The third meeting took place on January 30, 2020. We established how we create the next tasks. We had to think about our next common product. 

19 Şubat 2020 Çarşamba

14. Video on benefits of vegetables - PL

We found lots of information about vegetables. 

12. Celebrate national fruit and vegetables - PL

In Poland, there aren`t any specjal national days to celebrate fruit and vegetables but we like eating fruits and vegetables during our holdays, for example Christmas, Easter, Pumpkin festival, Velentine day, our birthdays and many other holidays.

6. Benefits of fruits PL

We watched the film about benefits of fruits and prepared some new information about witamins and minerals.

18 Şubat 2020 Salı

3. Project logo -PL

It was Polish proposal of  project logo:

13. Common Product : Fruit Poem - PL

Our students invented a poem about fruit.

Chcesz być zdrowy - jedz owoce, bo owoce mają magiczne moce. Witaminy mają śmieszne miny, więc jedz je nie tylko na urodziny.
If you want to be healthy -eat fruit, because the fruit has magical powers. Vitamins have funny faces, so eat them not only on your birthdays.

8. Fruit salad - PL

Each of our classes prepared their fruit salads. 
It was very funny and clever event. 
The students liked it very much. 

17 Şubat 2020 Pazartesi

15.Vegetable poster - PL

Our students have just made the vegetable poster. 

7. Fruit poster - PL

We worked together on our fruit poster. 
There are fruits which grow in Poland. 

11. Interviews - PL

We had a meeting with a gardener from Oregon from USA. 
He told us about the vegetables and fruits he planted in his garden and benefits of growing his own plants. 

And we had a meeting with a nurse who told us about the importance of vitamins.

10. Poem about fruit - PL

Polish poem abouy fruit : 

Wpadła gruszka do fartuszka,
A za gruszką dwa jabłuszka,
Lecz śliweczka wpaść nie chciała,
Bo śliweczka niedojrzała. 

Pear fell into the apron,
And behind the pear two apples,
But plum didn't want to fall,
Because the plum was immature.

9. Fruit slogan - PL

Our advertising slogan about fruit : 

One apple a day - makes you healthy,OK!

The slogan in Polish sounds :

Jedno jabłko dziennie sprawi, że będziesz zdrowszy, hej!

4. Our project surveys - PL

We conducted healthy eating surveys among students and parents. Here are the results.

2. Let`s introduce oneself - PL

Nice to meet you :-) 
We are students of Montessori School Barlinek from Poland.
This is our  school. 

1 Şubat 2020 Cumartesi

16. Vegetable dishes

1- Şehit Erkan Kendirci İlkokulu

01 - 11 January 2020" let's Celebrate with a health Food eTwinning Project " event in the context of Kastamonu Şehit Erkan Kendirci Primary School 2-C students with their families prepared a vegetable plate. The students prepared a school board on designated vegetables.


15. Vegetable posters

1- Şehit Erkan Kendirci İlkokulu

My students created their vegetable poster


14. Video on benefits of vegetables

14- Şehit Erkan Kendirci İlkokulu

Students of Şehit Erkan Kendirci İlkokulu watch video on benefits of vegetable and they made concept map


Community Health Officer dietitian Ali Vursavaş gave a seminar on 'health nutrition' to the 2/C grade students of Şehit Erkan Kendirci Primary School on 7 January 2020 under the scope of" let's Celebrate with a health Food eTwinning project".


13. Common Product ; Fruit Poem

1- Şehit Erkan Kendirci İlkokulu-Turkey

My students write part of our common product.


12. Celebrate national fuit and vegetables

1- Şehit Erkan Kendirci İlkokulu - Turkey

  We celebrated 12-16 December 2019 our national fruits and vegateble.


1- Şehit Erkan Kendirci İlkokulu- Turkey

On December 10, 2019, as part of the "Let's Celebrate with a health Food eTwinning Project" event, students from Kastamonu Şehit Erkan Kendirci Primary School 2-C in Turkey interviewed farmer and gardener Ahmet Yilmaz Bey, who was a guest in their class.

10. National poem about fruits

1- Şehit Erkan Kendirci İlkokulu - Turkey

9. An advertising slogan

1- Şehit Erkan Kendirci İlkokulu - Turkey

8. Fruit salad

1- Şehit Erkan Kendirci İlkokulu - Turkey

My students prepared their salad


My students ate their salad at school


7. Fruits Posters

1- Şehit Erkan Kendirci İlkokulu

Children will prepare fruit poster (about which groves seasons)


6. The Benefits Of Fruits

1- Şehit Erkan Kendirci İlkokulu

Parents were given a seminar on '' Fruit Consumption in Season


Students of Şehit Erkan Kendirci İlkokulu watch video on benefits of fruits and they made concept map


3. Project logo

3. Project logo

Designing a project logo for each partner.

1- Şehit Erkan Kendirci İlkokulu - Turkey


Logo Survey Results

2. Let`s introduce oneself

2. Let`s introduce oneself

Şehit Erkan Kendirci İlkokulu



Teachers Survey and Results

Students Survey and Results

1- Şehit Erkan Kendirci İlkokulu- Turkey
Şehit Erkan Kendirci İlkokulu 2-C grade students participated in the pre-project survey event for "Let's Celebrate with a health Food eTwinning project" on October 21, 2019.


Parents Survey and Results

5. Webinars


Our First Webinar

On Friday October 11, 2019, as part of the "let's Celebrate with health Food eTwinning
Project" event, she participated in the meet and project planning webinar with project partners via live link on the eTwinning portal. Webinara Turkey Kastamonu Şehit Erkan Kendirci primary school classroom teacher Zeynep Öztoprak, Turkey Kepez Varsak waterfall primary school classroom teacher Şenses Topal, Poland Balinek Montessori School barlinek school teacher Krystyna Szymkowiak , Sweden Huddinge Tomtbergaskolan school teacher Mili Modak, attended.


About Project

About Project

The main goal of this project is to promote a healthy lifestyle among children and to help students understand and distribute the information about healthy food like fruit and vegetables. The students will make some fruit salad or another dishes with vegetables. They will learn to work together. They will not only get to know the differences between cultures but also they will come to terms with the similarities about the healthy food or activity in many country of Europe. They will get know what they can eat instead of product with sugar and fat.
Work Process
- Partners introduce their country, their city and their school and themself
- Partners will create project logo
- Before project all of partners( teacher , students, parents) will make our project surveys
- Children watch video on benefits of fruits
- Children will prepare fruit poster (about which groves seasons)
- Children will prepare fruit salad.
- The students will create an advertising slogan
- family or gardener interviews,
- National poems about fruits
- celebrate national fuit and vegetables
- Children watch video on benefits of vegetable
- Children will prepare vegetable poster (about which groves seasons)
- Children will prepare vegetable dishes.
- Sing song about fruits and vegetables (all of children)
- healthy kitchen recipes,
- write health life story (common product)
- End of project all of partners( teacher , students, parents) will make our project surveys


The students will create an advertising slogan about an increase in the consumption of fruit and vegetables in the daily diet. Then these ideas will be gather together in the join book or poster. They could stage a performance to put on a show with their favorite national poems about vegetables or fruit. They will prepare the dishes at party and presentation about healthy food.